Summer Music Tour to Italy

Over 60 St Benedict's singers and instrumentalists went on a 5 day tour to southwest Italy in July, giving concerts in a variety of stunning venues and discovering Italian culture.
Evan Hobson (Year 13):
In the summer, over sixty St Benedict's musicians from years 7 to 13 had a spectacular time performing music in and exploring the area around Naples, Italy. The array of activities that we took part in as well as the phenomenal experiences performing in towns and at beaches for the locals were incredible. We were able to see the historic Pompeii and Herculaneum, and spent a day at a water park. The highlights were definitely the performances. Sharing our music with the locals and seeing the residents listening from their windows was amazing. Everyone was so thankful to the staff for making the week one to remember!
Harry Lubkowski (Year 13):
The music trip this Summer to Sorrento was full of laughter, friendship, but most of all music. The School choir performed alongside several percussion groups and the Pafties (chamber choir), all of whom, throughout our time on tour, gelled into a larger group, showing the true St Benedict's way of community. From singing by the sea, to a tiny village in the Italian hills, the tour acted as a way for students to show off their talents, while putting a smile on the faces of many Italian crowd members. We also enjoyed several trips to historical sites such as Pompeii, and Herculaneum, learning about the old civilisations. All in all, this was an amazing school trip that offered the opportunity for students to perform in a completely new environment.
Tuesday 9 July
Gatwick to Naples. Transfer to Hotel Eden Bleu, Sorrento.
Wednesday 10 July
Morning - visit to Pompeii.
Afternoon - visit to Herculaneum.
21:00 Evening Concert at Area Archeologica Etrusco-Sannitica di Fratte, Salerno
Thursday 11 July
Morning - explore Sorrento
Afternoon - explore Amalfi & Cathedral di S Andrea Apostolo
21:15 Evening Concert at Piazza S Francesco, Cetara
Friday 12 July
Visit to Waterpark near Salerno
Early dinner in Aquara
20:30 Evening Concert at Piazza Vittorio Veneto, Aquara
Saturday 13 July
Morning - visit local seaside
Afternoon - visit Mt Vesuvius
Evening - flight from Naples to Gatwick
With thanks to the Director of Music, Mr Eastwood, and his department.