St Benedict's Lecture Series: Professor David Olusoga OBE -Black British History In The Industrial Revolution

We were delighted to welcome Professor David Olusoga OBE, to deliver this year's Robin Nonhebel History Lecture on Black British History and some of the forgotten voices that have shaped our country.
Professor Olusoga, known for his expertise in uncovering hidden stories from the past, captivated the audience with his engaging and thought-provoking talk. He reflected on his childhood spent learning about history and how many key moments of our past offered a diluted version of these events.
As Edmund, one of our Sixth Form students who attended the talk, recounted:
“David Olusoga’s talk was fascinating and revealed historical narratives I had never before encountered. For me, the most interesting part of the talk was his exposé of the whitewashing of WW2 history. He explained how, despite all the pictures and videos of the Free French Army showing them all to be white, it was, in fact, made up of 60% colonial soldiers. This seemingly disguised historical fact completely shocked me, and I left the talk with a reformed perspective.”
Professor Olusoga’s talk was fascinating and revealed historical narratives I had never before encountered.
Edmund - Sixth Form Student, St Benedict's
Professor Olusoga’s powerful and enlightening talk presented the importance of portraying Britain’s history correctly and truthfully, even if it meant learning about the uncomfortable past, and he encouraged us to always challenge the perception of shared narratives.
Head of History at St Benedict’s, Simon Barnard commented:
'It was an absolute pleasure to welcome David Olusoga for our annual History lecture. The light David shone on some criminally under-represented aspects of our island's history inspired us all, staff, students and parents alike. We, in the History department, have been and will continue to ensure our curriculum is reflective of the history of all the people who have called Great Britain home over the centuries"
The light David shone on some criminally under-represented aspects of our island's history inspired us all.
Simon Barnard - Head Of history, St Benedict's
Speaking of the evening, Headmaster Joe Smith concluded:
“What a fascinating and thought-provoking talk! I learnt so much about "hidden histories", from the Bristol bus boycott through the manipulation of the footage of the liberation of Paris in 1944, to the fate of statues of German military leaders after World War Two. Thank you, David, for sharing your knowledge, wisdom and insights in a superb talk. “
Joe Smith - Headmaster, St Benedict's
“What a fascinating and thought-provoking talk! I learnt so much about "hidden histories", from the Bristol bus boycott through the manipulation of the footage of the liberation of Paris in 1944, to the fate of statues of German military leaders after World War Two. Thank you, David, for sharing your knowledge, wisdom and insights in a superb talk. “
We are certain Professor Olusoga’s lecture not only broadened our students' horizons but also ignited a spark of curiosity that we hope will continue to inspire them on their educational journeys and to continue to challenge perceptions of Black British History.