Debating success at the Model United Nations Conference

Congratulations to Irene Llinares-Perales, who achieved a Highly Commended Award, and Amy Vaughan, who received an Honorable Mention for her debating skills, at the latest Model United Nations conference on Saturday, March 7th.

Our Model United Nations team are going to need a bigger trophy cabinet as we came back with two further awards after the City of London School Model United Nations Conference on Saturday 7th March.
Amy Vaughan received an Honorable Mention for her debating skills representing Bangladesh in the Historical Committee. Particular congratulations must go to Irene Llinares-Perales who achieved a Highly Commended Award for representing Haiti in the Special Committee. A highlight was her ability to persuade everyone to pass her resolution with some solutions to deal with the Coronavirus.
We are particularly pleased that Irene was recognised in this way as this is her last conference in the St Benedict's MUN team, and a fitting tribute to her hard work and dedication in running the group as General Secretary, not to mention her attendance at almost 15 conferences.
Congratulations should also be given to the other members of the MUN team for whom this was their very first conference - Rayan Hayat, Zachary Hyams and Hadassah Olakanpo. I am sure we will see them at many more conferences in the future.
Mrs Nikki Nichols, Head of History