CCF Visit Royal Engineers Museum, Chatham

A group of St Benedict's cadets and NCOs visited the Royal Engineers Museum in Gillingham, Kent, to spend a day exploring our parent Corps’ history and achievements. There was something for everyone, from viewing artefacts and weapons to a Bailey Bridge construction task.

Cpl James Cuss reports:
At 0900 on an overcast Sunday morning (following the 90th anniversary celebration dinner at St Benedict's!) a group of ten Teeling Troop recruits, Wilding Troop cadets and NCOs departed for the Royal Engineers Museum in Gillingham, Kent, to spend a day exploring our parent Corps’ history and achievements. We had a greatly enjoyable and educational time learning about what makes the Corps so special.
With a busy schedule, moving around the museum seeing every part of our heritage, there was something for everyone, from viewing the plethora of artefacts and weapons to a miniature Bailey Bridge construction task.
The Corps is reaching out to its cadet units and we were delighted to receive the first RE Certificate of Affiliation at the end of our visit.
Cpl James Cuss (Lower 6th/Year 12)

Cadet comments:
“It was fascinating and more interesting than we’d expected. I really liked learning about the Royal Engineers’ participation in the Zulu War.”
Rct Fitzgerald (CW)
“Looking at the history of the Sappers was really good because we don’t usually get to learn about them in so much detail.”
(Dmr Ahmad)
“I liked seeing all of the cool armoured vehicles, and enjoyed the bridge-building.”
(Dmr Dovey)

However, the most interesting part of the day may have been the talk from Royal Engineers Corps Sergeant Major Paul Clarke - 26 years a Sapper - on the application of core values and standards throughout the British Army, and the Army Leadership Code. Overall it was a truly fascinating and insightful day for us to develop our knowledge of the Royal Engineers and to consider our approach to leadership.
“I really enjoyed the day out; seeing the development of Sapper technology, finding out about the history of our parent Corps, and learning the values and standards needed to be a good cadet and leader really made for a great experience.”
(Sqn Sgt Major McFadzean)

Rct Ekpong: it was really great to be able to see and learn about lots of new things.
Rct Fitzgerald: it was fascinating and more interesting than you’d think, I really liked learning about the royal engineers participation in the Zulu war.
Rct Thornton: it was really fun and I liked the bridge-building activity.