Exploring Kew

As part of their new creative curriculum topic, 'Into the Woods', children in Year 2 at St Benedict's explored Kew Gardens, learning about conservation, plants and habitats.
On Tuesday 13th September, Pre-Prep 3 (Year 2) went on a wonderful 'Plant Hunters' trip to Kew Gardens.
This term, the children's cross-curricular topic is 'Into the Woods', and their learning will focus upon woodland plants and habitats, conservation and deforestation. They will learn about woodland myths and legends, sing songs connected with nature and explore impressionist paintings of forests.
At Kew, an expert guide introduced the children to a variety of plants which thrive in temperate and tropical biomes, talking about factors such as climate and soil. As well as having the opportunity to peer at hundreds of different plants from all around the world, everyone loved spending time around and beneath Kew's many different trees.
The trip was an inspiring introduction to the new creative curriculum topic and everyone had a brilliant day!