Oxbridge Offers

Congratulations to St Benedict’s sixth form students who have received Oxbridge offers this year, to read Medicine, Music, Biology and Classics.
Kate Tracey, George Fowler and Jack Edis have been offered places at Oxford, to read Medicine (Wadham College), Biology (Lady Margaret Hall) and Music (St Peter’s) respectively. Jack has also been awarded a choral scholarship. Valentina Elner-Kupcha has an offer to read Classics at Christ’s College, Cambridge.
The Headmaster, Andrew Johnson, said: “This is brilliant news and I offer my warmest congratulations to our four successful Oxbridge candidates. Not only have they demonstrated huge commitment to their chosen subjects, they have also made an outstanding contribution to the life of the school – as decans [prefects], musicians, sports players and leaders of various activities - and I have no doubt they will all excel at university and beyond. I am also proud of our other students who were interviewed, and, indeed, all those who are working hard to gain places at other universities.”