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St Benedict's Remembrance Service

St Benedict’s remembered those who gave their lives in the First and Second World Wars, and prayed for people suffering in current conflicts worldwide.

St Benedict's Remembrance service 2019

The Headmaster, Head Boy, Head Girl, and Officers of the Combined Cadet Force laid wreaths before the altar.

St Benedict's Remembrance service 2019

The Head Girl, Valentina Elner-Kupcha, read from the letter of St Paul to the Romans: “Nothing can come between us and the love of Christ.”

The Head Boy, Evan Hobson, read from the works of St John Chrysostom: “The cross is the joy of the Father, the glory of Christ, the triumph of the Holy Spirit, the beauty of the angels and the light of the sons and daughters of God.”

St Benedict's Remembrance service 2019

The Consort Choir sang Pie Jesu, by Bob Chilcott.

Twenty-one alumni died in the First World War and forty-seven were killed in the Second World War.

St Benedict's Remembrance service 2019

St Benedict's Remembrance service 2019


Tagged  Senior