Peer Mentoring at St Benedict's

Peer mentoring at St Benedict's has expanded this year, with pupils in Upper Fifth acting as mentors to children in Forms 1 and 2 at the Junior School.

Senior School mentors undertook training earlier this academic year and have been assigned to each class in Form 1 and Form 2 (Years 5 and 6) at the Junior School. In the Michaelmas term they spent time during break times getting to know the children; this term, a few Junior School children have started regular one-to-one sessions with their mentors.
Miss Powell, Assistant Head at St Benedict’s Junior School, said: “It is all in very early stages but so far it has been very positive, and I expect that it will grow. The children really look up to the Upper 5th mentors and appreciate the advice and perspective they are able to give them.”
Alice said:
“We visited the class last term and got to know the children. This term, we are each mentoring an individual pupil. I’ve had two meetings with my mentee so far this term and I’m really enjoying it. We have a lot in common. She is struggling with something that I found difficult at her age, and I am trying to guide and reassure her. It’s good to give back; I’ve been at St Benedict’s since PP3 (Year 2) and the school has helped me to develop a lot.”

You can read more about peer mentoring at St Benedict's here: