Mock, Online MMI's for St Benedict’s Medics

Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science applicants took part in mock, online interviews in November, modelled on medical schools’ ‘Multiple Mini Interviews’, or MMIs.
Multiple Mini Interviews consist of seven different ‘stations’, or small interview scenarios. Each one has a different focus; these include ethics, data interpretation, role play based on a practical scenario, and personal attributes. Due to the pandemic, all university interviews will take place online this year. With this in mind, all the mock interviews were conducted virtually.
The students were immersed in real-time interviews lasting five minutes each at seven different stations. Everyone found the session a very useful experience, not least because it gave them a valuable opportunity to practice talking to people via video call.
This experience was very useful to me. I have perfected my approach to challenging questions in an interview situation. The fact that it was remote was helpful, as we now know what to expect from virtual interviews."
Delia Capatina
Here is how Delia Capatina found the experience:
“The process was very well organised, and the IT department guided us on how to log on in advance. The stations were mimicked excellently. The questions asked were in the same format as past questions and they related to the topics of medical ethics, scientific knowledge, mathematical skills and the impact of current affairs on the NHS, as well as personal skills that would make a good doctor.
“This experience was very useful to me. I have perfected my approach to challenging questions in an interview situation. The fact that it was remote was helpful, as we now know what to expect from virtual interviews. The feedback from this will indicate my strong areas, as well as those which I need to do more research on. This will ensure that I am up to date with the current healthcare situation and ready to tackle any question. I am now confident and motivated for the upcoming interviews.
“Applying to medical school is a competitive and rigorous process. In addition to predicted grades and entrance exams, interviews will make a significant contribution to one’s offer."
A debrief allowed students to reflect on their performance, while helping them to develop strategies for their real MMI interviews later in the year.
With thanks to Mrs O’Connor, Head of Chemistry and co-ordinator of St Benedict’s medical school applications, and to the Careers and ICT departments.