Careers: alternative routes

St Benedict’s Sixth Form students found out about degree apprenticeships, sponsored degrees and direct entry this week, discovering that they can apply for an alternative route as well as making a university application.
Head of Careers, Mrs Hopgood, explains how St Benedict's Careers can support students' various applications:
We have engaged an external provider called ‘Pathway: Careers, Training and Mentoring’, to help support our Year 11, 12 and 13 students, who may wish to pursue an alternative route to the workplace via Degree Apprenticeships, Sponsored Degrees and Direct Entry.
Pathway will now work directly with students to provide targeted information regarding their specific areas of interest, invite them to corporate insight days, help them with the completion of application forms, CVs, prepare them for video and conventional interview, and on-line application assessment activities."
Head of Careers, Mrs Hopgood
Pathway also support students in gaining work experience, internships and worthwhile gap years. They partner with a large number of FTSE 100 organisations including IBM. Sky, PWC, UBS, ASOS and many more. The advantage of working with this organisation is that they really understand what these organisations are looking for in a candidate and therefore they can guide and coach our students throughout the application process.

On October 2nd, our Sixth Form students completed a short on-line interest inventory, which provides Pathway with an indication of their area of interest; i.e. Finance, Media, Engineering, Law, etc. Pathway will now work directly with students in order to provide targeted information regarding their specific areas of interest, invite them to corporate insight days, help them with the completion of application forms, CVs, prepare them for video and conventional interview, on-line application assessment activities etc.
In Pathway's informative presentation, it was made clear to students that they can apply to an alternative route as well as making a UCAS application to University - it can be both, not either-or! Interestingly, the ‘alternative route’ and traditional university routes are beginning to merge, with PWC Apprenticeships now being applied for through UCAS!