Moving Up

Children in their final year at the junior school are looking forward to making the transition to the senior school at St Benedict’s in September. Form 2 (which is Year 6) have been taking part in lessons and activities designed to help them make this transition as smoothly as possible, by helping them to find their way around and to meet some of their new teachers.
In the St Benedict’s Library, pupils took part in a ‘treasure hunt’, searching for information on pilgrimages around the world. They then joined senior school pupils in Form 3 (Year 7) for a Geography quiz before going into the science labs to make ice-cream, using dry-ice.
Later this month there will be two full induction days for all new Form 3 pupils, both from our junior school and for children coming from other schools. The induction days will be held at St Benedict’s and off site at the Hillingdon Outdoor Activities Centre, and will give everyone the chance to make new friendships in advance of September.