Lord Patten meets St Benedict’s Academic Scholars

Once again, we were delighted to welcome Lord Patten of Barnes, alumnus and Patron of St Benedict's, to present this year’s Patten Scholarship awards at our Academic Scholar’s evening on Monday, 13 November.
Each year, Lord Patten attends the Academic Scholars’ Evening at St Benedict’s each year to address our academic scholars and their parents.
The evening began with our Headmaster introducing the new Year 7 scholars to Lord Patten, who congratulated them on their success, which was then followed by the new Lower Sixth Form introductions.
In his address, Lord Patten spoke about the lasting influence teacher’s and the school environment has on students and how he truly valued his time at St Benedict’s through the holistic approach to teaching and pastoral care he experienced.
Lord Patten added that the purpose of education is to help people to fulfil their potential, so that they can go on to make a valuable contribution to the world. “St Benedict’s made me”, he said. “It taught me to take learning seriously, and was the most important experience of my young life.”
Three of this year’s Upper Sixth Form coveted Patten scholars also spoke, thanking Lord Patten for his generous support and interest in their academic interests.
All three Patten scholars, William B, Callum C and Ned W spoke about the various ways in which they used their awards to develop their academic interests by attending courses and lectures, with Callum C being awarded Lord Patten’s prize for the most successful scholar.
St Benedict’s Head Boy, Ned W, gave an inspiring speech to his peers about his time as a scholar, which encouraged him to become more intellectually curious and make the most of the opportunities they had been given:
I’d like to say a few words to my fellow scholars.
We are all incredibly lucky to not only go to such an outstanding school, but also to have access to the fantastic opportunities that we have through our scholarships. Please don’t take them for granted. Throw yourself into all your academic work, challenge yourself and take enjoyment out of pushing yourself to the limits of your capabilities.
Don’t give up on a certain subject because you find it tricky, it’s overcoming these hurdles that make you into a hard-working, resilient person later in life. But most importantly, find something you love! Motivating yourself to do the extra work, can be tough, but it’s much easier if you’re doing what you enjoy.
Ned W - Head Boy & Academic Scholar
Speaking of the evening, Headmaster, Joe Smith noted,
“It was a great pleasure to welcome Lord Patten back to his old school, to help us celebrate the academic achievements and potential of our award holders. In a joyous evening, it was wonderful to hear Lord Patten speak so passionately about the school, reflecting that "St Benedict's made me". Our three Upper Sixth Patten scholars spoke superbly about their areas of academic interest, and Lord Patten presented Callum C with a tablet, as the highest performing scholar. All in all, a fantastic evening!”
Joe Smith, Headmaster